Saturday, December 15, 2012

Liebster Award

I would like to thank Bebe from for nominating for this award. I am new at blogging and did not think people were even looking at my blog so this made me very happy!! Thank you so much
 How the Liebster Award works:
1. Each person must post 11 random facts about themselves (optional)
2. Answer the 11 questions that the tagger set for you.
3. Choose 11 bloggers who you would like to give the Liebster Award.
4. Create 11 questions for the bloggers you have tagged with the award to answer.
11 Random Facts About Me
1. I am an only child.
2. I still love to watch cartoons
3.Dnacing is still my life even though I took a break from it
4. I HATE feet.....a lot!!!
 5. I have crazy mood swings
6. I love salads, so when on a date I get salads cause I love them not to look cute.
7. I burp like a man
8. I am spoiled but still know how to work hard when i want to
9. My Sorority is my life.
10. I overreact alot
11. My personality will rock your socks off
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Bebe's Questions
1. How old are you?
     I am 23 years old!!!
2.Where do you want to be with your career in 5 Years? 
     Hopefully in medical school
3.  Do you live in a rented apartment or in your own house?
     I live in a rented the hood cause I am a thug lol jk jk
4. What's your Favorite Song?
    Anything that I can twerk to or cry too lol
5. Forever21 or H&M, which do you prefer?
     Forever 21
6. How many times do you changed your hair regimen?
    A lot I have just added a couple things like black tea rinses and products
7. Your New Year's resolutions ? 
     Just be a better me
8. What's your biggest fear?
9. How often do you shop for Hair Products in a Year?
     I am a product i will leave it at that lol I have a problem
10. If you could be Singer for one day,who would you like to be?
       beyonce I want to have a big butt for a day lol
11. Why did you start blogging?
       Just to record my hair journey. So when i want to look back at something like how I feel about a product i    can. I also wanted to share my journey with others.

1 comment:

  1. CONGRATS on your award!! =]

    I so miss dancing, being an adult is no fun ;].

