Hello everyone!!! My name is Dominique and I am new to this blogging thing so bare with me as I get the hang of things. The main reason the I wanted to start blogging is because I started my hair journey on July 28th 2012 and I heard that blogging or writing things down can really help with having a great hair journey. I have always been very crazy when it came to my hair. I did not let anyone else, but my hairdresser, touch my hair. I alway wore it straight down nothing special and wrapped it everynight I always washed my hair every two week with a shampoo and conditioner, then I would blow dry and flat iron my hair. I never deep conditioned my hair unless I went to the hair salon. As you can see I was not taking good care of my hair, but in my mind back then I was doing everything right but I still could not figure out why my hair never grew past shoulder length. The end of my last year of college I got my first sew in and I fall in love!!! I wore sew ins for the whole year of 2011 and some of 2012. I loved the fact that I did not have to do much to the fake hair. While I had the weave in I went four to five monthes without washing my hair...............NASTY I know! smh. But in my mind back then I thought that dirty hair grow faster.
One day I was being nosey, as always lol! And I came across ulovemegz instagram pictures. I fall in love with her hair and wanted my too look just like her's. I found her youtube channel which lead me to other youtube channels about hair and by the end of that day I was hooked on healthy hair care. I joined couple hair sites and just started learning and reading everything I could about healthy hair. I did my research for about a month before I started my healthy hair journey.
This is a picture of my hair when I first started my hair journey on July 28th 2012. I would say that I was full APL.
This coming friday will mark 15 weeks post and I will be getting my fix of that lovely CREAMY CRACK!!!! I have not blow dryed or flat ironed my hair since this picture because I wanted to give my hair a break from all the heat. I hope the no heat and air drying 100% has helped me to retain length. I also bun or wear my hair up about 90% of the time since this picture was taken!!!!
Fingers crossed hope that I am grazing BSL after my Relaxer on friday!!! Cant wait to see how my hair looks and see if all the new things I have learned and my new regimen will pay off!!!!
I will be posting pictures of my hair on Friday or sometime this weekend.
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